Our goal? The perfect blend of seamless user navigation with nuanced content. Finding that sweet spot where visitors can sail through the site, and yet feel compelled to stop at every island along the way. With expertise in information architecture, instructional design, and user interface, we can make that a lovely voyage.
Nomlaki Dictionary
This online dictionary amd cultural archive allows Tribal members to read and hear their language, and to learn the culturally significant orgins of words. The creation of this site includes robust administration tools allowing the Tribe's language specialist to enter and verify terms through a private server.
Examining the Evidence
This online resource for lawyers, and judges is designed to counter what is now documented as "The CSI Effect". This webiste provides on-demand information about forensic science, focusing on what's actually possible, and what is merely fiction. It combines interviews of leading experts with scenario-based learning opportunities. www.forensicbasics.org
Pushing the Limits
This online resource supports rural librarians by combining video-based professional learning with materials for leading science-based programs for adults. Funded by the National Science Foundation.